KK Clean Smoke Generator

Our KK Clean Smoke Generator is made from CNC laser-cut components. It can be used to generate clean smoke for low and slow cooks with charcoal burning and without burning charcoal in the grill can create very low temp smoke for cold smoking. This lets you add a smoke profile without cooking the meat. All parts are from 2mm 304 Stainless steel. (3 1/4 lbs SS) The exhaust nozzle has an adjustable adapter that fits into a BBQ Guru inductor sleeve/ KK BBQ guru port. The smoker can be lit from the side ports or with a small piece of burning charcoal. The pump creates a vacuum that keeps the wood smoldering for hours. Burns pellets, chips, or small chunks.


Adjustable Air-pump included.

Naked Whiz review of this Generator

Questions?  Talk to Ilya 01926 293535